As we approach National Apprenticeship Week #NAW23 from 6th - 12th February, we’re focusing on the theme 'Skills for Life' and the positive impact that Apprenticeships have on individuals, businesses, and communities here in Greater Manchester.

£4k Apprenticeships Grant - Hire People with Skills to Improve your Business
The £4k Apprenticeships Grant is coming to a close in September 2021, but there's still time to start hiring employees with skills to improve your business. Read on to find out more...

Join the #ShowUsYourSkillsChallenge and create a post demonstrating how training and development have helped turn your business into a knockout SME! Read more to find out how to enter.

Essential Skills – Upskilling Your Workforce in Basic English and Maths
There are some skills that are needed to be able to do any job effectively, of these, basic English and Maths are amongst the most essential as they are the foundation for other skills to be built upon. Find out more here.

Top 3 Screen Skills
Have your team got the IT skills they need to work productively and smoothly day to day? Here are our Top 3 Screen Skills all employees need.

Top 10 Certifications for Employees in 2021
We're counting down the Top 10 Certifications for Employees in 2021, with information from the GMCA Skills Observatory.